Walk in 3 Worlds Podcast Episodes
Podcast episodes are available on all of the major podcasting platforms. This page is an archive of all episodes and includes all forms of the content of each episode …all in one place.
Wi3W Ep 8 – Greg interviews Peter Forday, a true Aussie as an ABC (Australian Born Chinese)
Peter Forday is a proud Aussie. He is a facilitator and performance coach whose clients are most commonly looking for better ways to engage, develop and inspire others. He is known for his experience, networks, authenticity and expertise in helping clients focus on what matters. He is Non Director Executive and Chair of Multicultural Australia…
Wi3W Ep 7 – Poem ~ Australianitus ~ Written and Spoken by Greg Dodge
Australianitus is the first poem written and performed by Greg Dodge, a sixth generation Australian convict (keep in the loop as his poems are released to the world).
Wi3W Ep 6 – Taitu’uga and Greg interview Maori Wisdom Keeper and Musician, Marama Smith
Marama is a Maori singer-songwriter, musician, performer, rapper, mum, grandma and cultural story teller/keeper. We are so honoured to interview Marama and hear about her journey as a Maussie (an Australian Maori).
Wi3W Ep 5 – Poem ~ My Mate Dusty ~ Written and Spoken by Greg Dodge
We are proud to present a poem, “My Mate Dusty”, from our Coming Together series, written by Greg Dodge, about his conversations and stories learnt about a First Nations Australian man that he met in West End (Gurilpa/Kurilpa), Queensland. We hope you are moved by the stories that Dusty shared about his journey and his family.
Wi3W Ep 4 – Greg & Taitu’uga interview Stephen Mam ~ Brisbane born Torres Strait Islander entrepreneur
Stephen Mam was born and raised in Brisbane, Queensland. He is of Torres Strait Islander descent and is heavily influenced by his multicultural knowledge and experiences. In this podcast, he is interviewed by Taitu’uga and Greg Dodge. Throughout the years, Stephen has extended his knowledge of culture and intercultural through travel, having travelled extensively through…
Wi3W Ep 3 – Poem ~ We Are All Homo Sapiens ~ Written and Spoken by Greg Dodge
This is a poem about the fact we are all classified as one species, Homo Sapiens – and how we have been deliberately divided over our politic, colour of our skin etc and that we are all the same blood, stories celebrate that we are all human on this little blue dot. We all come from our birth and earth mother.
Wi3W Ep 2 – Yarraka Bayles interviews co-founder and co-host, Greg Dodge ~ a sixth generation convict descendant
Yarraka Bayles interviews our Wi3W co-founder and co-host, Greg Dodge, sixth generation convict descendant and ex Tasmanian. Yarraka asks about Greg’s life growing up on the island not knowing much about First Nations and the massacres that occurred in his early ancestors days. Greg talks about his great, great, great grandmother, Charlotte Simpson Hall, who…
Wi3W Ep 1 – Greg interviews Uncle Alan C. Parsons ~ a man with unique abilities
Alan C. Parsons was born in Charleville and has traditional links to the Bidjira/Yiman people in Central Queensland. Alan is a recognised visual artist who was encouraged to explore his talents and discovered a strong cultural affinity to his artistic expression. Alan was unaware of his Aboriginal heritage until he was in his thirties, and…